Website Manager

Tulsa National


The MOST IMPORTANT success in getting our teams organized and practicing is for the parents to make sure and volunteer early to be the Team Manager / Head Coach. We will wait until we have approved managers before drafting teams.

How does Tulsa National support our Managers
The Manager receives instruction material provided by Little League. From having a complete TBALL curriculum to the expert baseball material available for the Kid Pitch divisions, there is ample videos and training material. Tulsa Little League provides group training sessions periodically based upon need and request through our training facility.

Managers receive some or all of the following based on their age division: Practice Balls, Game Balls, Batting “T”, Free Practice Field Reservation System, Rule Book, Volunteer Badge, Lineup Cards, Scorebook media/instruction. Other baseball equipment may be available by consignment or discounted from our online store.

What is the Team Manager?
The team manager is the team’s communicator and organizer. Basic responsibilities are to communicate through email to the parents. The team manager decides on which days and time to practice, where to practice, signing up for practice fields at our facility, picks up and hands out the team uniforms and perhaps assigns the snack duties to a parent each game

Tulsa National

Phone : 918-264-8359
Email : [email protected]
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